FEDORA is working on a number of issues with regards to roads in and around Oxshott. The most significant relate to the A244 because of the significant volume of traffic it now carries. FEDORA arranged a petition to Surrey County Council in October 2020 to address the main issues; these and the current status are described on the separate A244 page.
FEDORA is also seeking to address a number of other concerns, some of which require investment to make improvements; others relate to, often much overdue, maintenance. Key matters include:
- Safety of pedestrians and cyclists
- There is a total lack of continuous pavements and pedestrian pathways, making it almost impossible for pedestrians, including schoolchildren, to safely walk into and around the village.
- There are no cycle paths.
- As density of traffic has increased, many road junctions have become very busy and dangerous.
- Increasingly, speeding traffic is a hazard and there have been a number of accidents to both north and south of the village
- Pollution in the centre of the village has been a cause for concern. Although pollution levels will have reduced as a result of traffic reductions during a series of COVID-19 lockdowns, monitors have been installed with the aid of our local councillors and future levels will be kept under review.
- The railway bridge on Copsem Lane has a very narrow pavement, which in light of the passing heavy traffic, particularly HGVs, is very dangerous.
- Many of the existing pavements or footpaths have become overgrown by bushes and brambles, making them difficult to use safely. See our web-page for Green Oxshott.
- There is a significant problem with lack of parking both in the centre of the village and in many residential streets. High Street businesses suffer badly because of the lack of adequate parking spaces.
- School-run traffic causes regular traffic congestion twice a day, and inconsiderate parking by parents is a serious headache for the residents living near school sites who are affected.
- It is clear that there is inadequate liaison between Surrey County Council and Elmbridge Borough Council on the impact of new development on the supporting infrastructure.
We are also liaising with other neighbouring resident associations on issues that affect roads between settlements. For example, the Stoke D’Abernon Residents’ Association is keen to see improvements to the railway bridge on Blundel Lane which has no pedestrian path and is unsafe for pedestrians and horses.
FEDORA is working closely with Surrey County Council, Elmbridge Borough Council, Surrey Police, and the corresponding councillors and our local MP, to try to find solutions. However, it must be recognised that in the current financial climate any solutions will have to be cost-effective , we are in competition for limited resources with other parts of Elmbridge and progress is likely to be slow on many matters. Progress is however being made, recent notable examples include the major improvements the footpath alongside the upper part of Steels Lane.
We provided an updated to subscribers on 4th July 2021. You can read it here.
If you have questions or suggestions, please email us using this link.