Roads Update April 2022
20mph speed limit in the centre of the village: As we have explained before there are policy rules on what can and can't be done but Surrey Highways have shown a welcome degree of flexibility in their application. It is agreed that a 20mph limit zone will be...
Elmbridge Highways Bulletin 28/2 – 6/3
Roads Update
This update was circulated to FEDORA subscribers on 4th July, 2021 Dear Oxshott Resident, We wrote to you on 5 February to report on progress with the A244 petition that FEDORA organised last autumn and we also included a comprehensive update in the Spring edition of...
Support an Oxshott Community Speedwatch Group
Speeding on Oxshott roads is of concern to all Oxshott residents. Following discussions with Surrey Police, FEDORA is considering the creation of a Community SpeedWatch (CSW) Group, which would supplement FEDORA’s other activities to deal with traffic issues on...
A244 Update – March 2021
05/03/2021 Some of you remember the pre-M25 days when the 244 was a quiet B-class road. Many of us would like to revert to those days but of course it isn’t possible. We may never have been consulted or made aware, but the A244 through Oxshott has become a...
Update on A244 Actions
We wanted to give you a brief update on progress on the issues raised in our petition concerning the A244 and its consideration at the Elmbridge Local Committee meeting on 16 November 2020. Firstly, many thanks to all of you who supported the petition, a total of...
A244 Petition
First published: 04/11/2020 The A244 bisecting Oxshott has become a regular traffic route between the A3 and the A243/M25 to the serious detriment of the safety, health and well-being of residents of Oxshott. Daily vehicle numbers can be up to ca. 17,500. Speed data...
Roads – Update October 2020
FEDORA is working on a number of issues with regards to roads in and around Oxshott. The most significant relate to the A244 because of the significant volume of traffic it now carries. FEDORA arranged a petition to Surrey County Council in October 2020 to address...