Our Purpose
Welcome to FEDORA – The Voice for Oxshott.
We are a not-for-profit company run by local residents who are committed to maintaining and improving the quality of life in our village and its surrounding areas. Our focus is on initiatives to do with planning, roads, flooding and a “green” Oxshott as well as supporting litter picking, community speed watch and other local activities. We are totally non-sectarian and non-political, and seek to represent the whole of Oxshott. You can read more about our company here.
Recent Successes
Listed below are some of the successes in 2024:-
The Village
- Successfully persuaded the Boundary Commission not to drop reference to the settlement name of Oxshott in its review of Surrey CC ward boundaries
- The most recent draft of Elmbridge Borough Council’s Design Code recognises Oxshott as a separate settlement
- FEDORA’s views on densities (expressed by reference to floor area rather than the dwellings per hectare) have been taken on board by Elmbridge Borough Council
- 20 mph speed restriction introduced on A244 through the village
- 40 mph speed restrictions on Fairoak Lane
- The introduction of experimental night-time ban on HGVs on A244
- Parking revised in the centre of the village
- New signage to make Sandy Lane safer
- Improved pedestrian access along the “straight” part of Sandy Lane, but still another 8 sections identified
Green Oxshott
- Trees and hedge along the A244 outside Broom Hall financed and organised by Surrey CC
- CIL for Esher Public Bridleway 49 and Esher Public Footpath 51 – funding found from Elmbridge Borough Council and Surrey County Council as well as FEDORA. The work on the Bridleway and Path has just been completed.
You can support our work by becoming a member – see the Member section below.
Latest News
FEDORA 10/12/2024 Public Meeting
Green Belt meeting minutes and slides Minutes of the meeting can be downloaded here. Slides...
Doctor’s Surgery Project
November Planning Update
TWO RECENT APPLICATIONS This update is intended to draw attention to two matters affecting land to...
Remembrance Day 2024
FEDORA at Oxshott's Remembrance Day ceremony FEDORA's chair, Anthony Wolfe presents...
AGM Presentation on the M25A3 works
Slides from Jonathan Wade's presentation from the Highways Agency can be downloaded here.
Late September Newsletter
The focus of this late September email is 4 items: M25 Junction 10 slip road closuresNational...