This update was circulated to FEDORA subscribers on 4th July, 2021
Dear Oxshott Resident,
We wrote to you on 5 February to report on progress with the A244 petition that FEDORA organised last autumn and we also included a comprehensive update in the Spring edition of FEDORA magazine. This note provides a further update on progress on the petition requests and other matters related to roads and traffic in Oxshott.
The A244 Problems
Since our last note, Mark Sugden has been elected as the Surrey County Council (SCC) representative for an area covering most of Oxshott, while David Lewis is the SCC representative for an area that covers part of the north of Oxshott, in particular Sandy Lane. The A244 problems fall within Mark’s area. We have been in regular contact with Mark since his election and have given him a tour of the village to show him the key problems. Mark is an important member of the Elmbridge Local Committee and even though we continue to enjoy the support of SCC leader Tim Oliver, Mark’s active engagement will be important, in particular to support requests for funding.
Each change to current arrangements will need to be supported by a feasibility study and as a key input you may have noticed the traffic measurement equipment that was recently placed in 7 locations on the A244 and three locations in Steels Lane. This was done before the end of the school term and should provide good (and we hope supportive) information on traffic volumes and speeds. We also understand the equipment can also identify HGV traffic although it was only in place for 7 days and the night time HGV traffic can be sporadic.
We continue to meet bi-monthly with Tim Oliver, representatives of Surrey Highways (SH) and local councillors to progress the following:
- A night-time HGV ban – the SH team are looking at design options. Cobham residents have expressed concern that any restrictions in Oxshott may divert traffic through Cobham which needs to be taken into account. This may complicate solutions and increase cost which is being looked at. As advised previously Surrey Police are not supportive of a ban which is unfortunate but they do not have the power to prevent one. Consultation will be required including with bodies such as the Road Haulage Association. Funding will need to be approved by the Elmbridge Local Committee which we hope will be later this year. Meantime we are keeping an eye on the risk of complications created by possible works at the J10 interchange.
- Average-speed cameras – The current national guidance would not support the installation of speed cameras. However, SCC accept this is old and too restrictive so new guidance is being developed for use in Surrey. FEDORA has provided input. We expect revised guidance to be approved shortly which will support the use of cameras in Oxshott and a fuller feasibility study will then be required to address issues such as siting, in which we have requested involvement. Installation is unlikely to happen until financial year 22/23. This does not require Local Committee approval.
- Speed restrictions in the village centre – SH will create designs informed by the results of the recent traffic measurements. The cost and complexity will influence whether changes can happen this year or in 22/23. In addition, for those that are not aware, the UK is likely to implement “Intelligent Speed Assistance/Adaptation” in 2022 which will in due course impact speeds. We will provide further details at a later date but this BBC page provides the background
- Pavements to the south of the village – SH design plans are reasonably well advanced for improvements to the west side to provide a continuous pedestrian route to the village. We are hopeful of works this year to widen the footpath to the south of the Bear and to the north of Danes Hill where no footpath exists. Plans to the east are less well advanced but FEDORA has introduced SH to the new owners of the Victoria and to the butchers’ business in the High Street with a view to creating a continuous footpath in the centre of the village. A new Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan for Elmbridge is under development, which might provide additional support for improvements.
Community SpeedWatch (CSW)
Following a positive response to our email of 13 May we now have sufficient volunteers to set up an Oxshott CSW. We are also delighted to say that Mark Cooke, who lives on the Leatherhead Road, has agreed to take on the role of the CSW coordinator and will be the link with Surrey Police. The prime focus will be the A244 but we hope we have enough volunteers to establish speed watch teams for other locations in Oxshott where regular speeding is an issue. Mark is in touch directly with those who have volunteered to progress plans.
High Street Parking.
Discussions are ongoing with Elmbridge Borough Council and SCC on a number of parking issues on which we will provide a fuller update at a later date. In particular FEDORA has, with the support of Mark Sugden, put a proposal to the Local Committee to make better use of the lay-by in the High Street by Heath buildings and the two Disabled parking bays at the top of Steels Lane. If accepted we hope new arrangements can be devised which will benefit local businesses, local residents and blue badge holders alike. Any changes will require public consultation by SCC and we will keep you informed.
If you require any further information please contact us by email using this link..