GREEN BELT UPDATE 24 December 2024
Since the meeting held at the Community Hub on 10 December 2024 there have been a number of developments:
- Notes of that meeting along with self-explanatory slides are now available on this website
- I am delighted to announce that a small group of local residents have stepped forward to work on a response to the challenges to the Green Belt around Oxshott. With Christmas and the New Year intervening, they will be meeting for the first time on 6th January 2025.
Clouds Hill Farm (2024/2936)
Amongst the 96 letters of objection, FEDORA submitted a letter of objection to Elmbridge BC on 18 November 2024:
“FEDORA disagrees with the conclusion of the report that forms the basis for this application. At the heart of it is an attempt to avoid an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for a future application for the provision of up to 300 new homes on a site that is very substantially Green Belt land. FEDORA considers that such a development would have a hugely material impact on the local community involving a site of over 23ha and a potential increase of about 15% in the current population of Oxshott. As such, an EIA is both desirable and essential in order that planners and residents can understand the implications of a future development. The attempt by the developer to seek to avoid such a basic obligation is no more than self-serving and disrespectful to the community on which they seek to impose a major burden.
FEDORA considers that use of Green Belt land is hugely contentious and will comment on any future application when it is made. But in advance of any such application, FEDORA considers that, as a bare minimum, the developer must be made to comply with reasonable expectations for an evaluation of the suitability of this site. As such an EIA is essential and EBC is requested to refuse the application to avoid it.”
On 23 December 2024 Elmbridge BC’s report concluded that:
“ ….it is considered that the development could result in significant environmental effects. It is the opinion of the local planning authority that the proposal does represent development requiring an Environmental Impact Assessment and an Environmental Statement is therefore required.”
Blundell Lane (2024/3163)
Like the application for Clouds Hill Farm, this application is in connection with scoping of an Environmental Impact Assessment of a proposed development. The proposed development, as discussed at our meeting on 10 December, is to the north of Blundel Lane, adjacent to the Polyapes Scouts area. The application is in relation to a proposed development of up to 300 dwellings, with a provision of 40% affordable housing.
If you wish to ensure that the Environmental Impact Assessment is unrestricted you can object on the Elmbridge Planning website – but you need to do so by 31 December 2024. Click here to go their website
PLEASE JOIN FEDORA – the Voice of Oxshott CIC
As you can now see, the campaign for the protection of the Green Belt around Oxshott has kicked off. We will need all the support we can gather to make sure our voice is heard at Elmbridge BC, Surrey CC and Westminster.
So, if you are not already a member but receiving this email, then please join. Details are on this website. Why not take out a standing order – the membership fee is only £10 per annum.