Green Oxshott

One of the attractions of Oxshott is the surrounding green environment, together with the green spaces within the residential areas of the village. The objective of the “Green Oxshott” initiative is to enhance the green spaces that we pass every day, while retaining a semi-rural aspect to the village. Where possible this is accomplished by working alongside local residents who wish to enhance the areas close to their homes. Here are some examples:
The new cherry tree and refreshed FEDORA – the Voice for Oxshott planter on the junction between the Hight Street and Steel’s Lane, as well as the new trees planted by Surrey CC in Spring 2022

Clearing paths in April 2022 – before and in-progress pictures:

- In summer 2019, FEDORA cleared the overgrown scrub and bushes from the triangle of land at the top of Station Approach, at the junction with the A244, shown in the photograph. One of the primary reasons was to make it safer for vehicles trying to exit from Station Approach onto the A244 by making it easier for them to see oncoming traffic to their right.
- Once the land had been cleared, in the autumn of 2019, FEDORA planted 600 daffodils. They provided welcome colour in early spring 2020, but were clearly insufficient. In autumn 2020, after the re-grown ivy and saplings were cleared again, another 1000 daffodils were planted along with 500 English bluebells. Together, these will provide spring colour every year from late January into late April, although the land will need clearing every autumn. For the gardeners, the varieties of daffodils are Rijnvelds Early Sensation which flowers in January/February, and Carlton which flowers in March/April.
- The residents of Bevendean estate took the initiative in 2020 to plant swathes of crocuses and daffodils at the road junctions on their estate, including for example the junction of Holtwood Road with Steels Lane and the junction of Goldrings Road with the A244. FEDORA added to this with an additional 1000 daffodils and 500 crocuses on the land around the village sign outside the Village Centre, at the junction of Holtwood Road and Steels Lane.
- The brick planter on the High Street opposite the Post Office had been, for many years, an unattractive litter depository and overgrown with very prickly mahonia. The mahonia was removed by FEDORA and was replanted with lavenders, lilac, hebes and tulips, to give flowers and scent throughout the summer.

Top of Station Approach, March 2020

Brick Planter, Oxshott Village, 23 April 2020
- We have worked on opening-up the vegetation growing along the footpath by the side of Steels Lane from Holtwood Road to the High Street so that the footpath is more usable for all pedestrians including those who are less agile and mothers with push-chairs.
If you have ideas of areas in Oxshott that would benefit from similar improvements, please get in touch with the Green Spaces team by email using this link