This update is intended to draw attention to two matters affecting land to the south west of Oxshott on plots of land that abut Charlwood Drive and Manor Way.
Land northeast of Park Cottage
A planning application (2024/2561) has been submitted to change the use of 12.9 hectares (32 acres) of Green Belt land (shown bordered in red) from agricultural use to public recreational space including the provision of open space, landscaping, walkways, parking and benches. This is to facilitate the conversion of this land in to a Suitable Alternative Green Space (SANG). The purpose of conversion would be to facilitate the mitigation of the impact of future housing within a 4km radius. Using the developer’s calculations, the SANG would potentially mitigate up to 1,240 new dwellings subject to dwelling size. This would require approval by Elmbridge Borough Council (EBC) as, by reference to external guidance, a figure of about 700 new dwellings might be more realistic.
Clouds Hill Farm
A local developer has bought Clouds Hill Farm (shown bordered in blue). They have commenced site clearance and have submitted an application (2024/2936) to obtain approval that an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is not required prior to redevelopment of the site. The plot is about 10 hectares (25 acres) almost all of which is Green Belt land. There is a close connection between the potential development of Clouds Hill Farm and the adjacent site containing the potential SANG. The current application refers to a potential development of up to 300 dwellings which represents a slightly lower development density than the new development across the road at Merrileas. The application refers to a gated secured access to the site off Leatherhead Road.
Local planning
EBC needs a new Local Plan (LP) as the current LP is out of date and is failing to meet government housing targets. The current draft LP has recently been rejected by a government appointed inspector and EBC faces the prospect of having to produce a new LP. This will require conformity with the government housing target. Following the change of government, the proposal is to revise this target upwards very significantly and, with the inclusion of a buffer to reflect past under-performance, this could be as high as 1,730 new dwellings per annum. This compares with actual historic annual delivery of about 450 dwellings. While EBC has previously not released Green Belt land for inclusion in its LP, the probable significant increase in the housing target will inevitably lead to release of substantial areas of Green Belt land across Elmbridge.
Oxshott is fortunate to have substantial Green Belt land on its perimeter particularly to the south west. This area is about 125 hectares (over 300 acres) and has been previously posited for release for housing by EBC. In total, the area might support over 2,000 new dwellings subject to assumptions on density. With a substantial housing shortfall, it is to be expected that EBC will look very much more closely at Green Belt land around Oxshott.
FEDORA’s view
FEDORA has always been committed to preservation of those Green Belt sites that make a genuine contribution to local amenity. It recognises though that, given government targets, there is an inevitability that some Green Belt land will be sacrificed. While there is an understandable preference for Green Belt elsewhere in Elmbridge to be released rather than any around Oxshott, the reality is that this is a burden likely to be shared between the constituent settlements.
What is not in doubt is that local infrastructure cannot readily support any larger increase in housing around Oxshott. The A244 is regularly full to capacity and susceptible to considerable congestion given the frequent need by utility companies to dig up the road. In addition, the medical practice is close to full capacity as is Royal Kent School. Sadly, such matters are of seeming secondary relevance to EBC (and Surrey County Council too) where the focus is directed on achieving government housing targets.
There is a need to acknowledge the changing reality as a consequence of the last election and the inevitability of planning applications around Oxshott that will provide for increased density on existing urban land and release of Green Belt land. While many applications will deserve robust opposition, this will be done in a context in which there will be a predisposition on the part of planners to concentrate more narrowly on delivering increased housing numbers.
FEDORA recommends objecting to application 2024/2561 to convert agricultural land in to recreational land for three reasons:
1. The adverse implications for the use of Green Belt within the locality of Oxshott where the majority of Green Belt sites are not sustainable from a development perspective.
2. With a perimeter of about 1.4km, the site does not meet the requirement for it to accommodate a circular walk of at least 2.3km.
3. The proposals fail to conform with the requirements of both the NPPF and Natural England particularly in respect of the protection to be afforded to neighbouring properties.
To register your objection, click here for planning reference 2024/2561. This should be submitted before 22 November 2024.
Similarly with application 2024/2936 seeking approval not to prepare an EIA, FEDORA recommends that objections to the application are made emphasising the importance of obtaining an EIA given the size of the site and its importance as part of the Green Belt around Oxshott. To register your objection, click here for planning reference 2024/2936. This should be submitted before 5 December 2024.
For further information, please contact